Libraries & Components

Component libraries, think of them as a LEGO box to build interfaces. They make it easy to reuse design elements and keep consistency throughout the design of a product.


Components are building blocks to create an interface and are similar to how you use them in code. A component is indicated with a purple color and a diamond shape.

When you've added a component or an instance of a component to your design, you will see 2 different icons. A main component is displayed as 4 small full diamonds, an instance of a component only show 1 outlined diamond icon.

A Main component (4 little diamond shapes) is the source and when you edit it, it will also update all instances (outlined diamond shape) of the component.

Insert a component

To use a component you go to Assets or press SHIFT + I to quickly view all available components, you can drag it to your page to start using or editing it.

Switch a component

If you want to change your component to something else, select it and go to the component dropdown in the properties panel. Here you will see a list of all available components.


Components can have multiple variants. This is used to set a different state (e.g. hover, pressed down, focus, ...) or to include an icon or not.

To choose a different variant, you select the instance of your component in the properties panel you will see all available options.


When using typography, colors or effects (shadows, blur, ...) we always make sure they are defined as styles. This will result in a cleaner use of color and text sized and will avoid ending up with 50 shades of grey.

You can add a style to any element by clicking the 4 circles square icon in the property panel. After clicking it you will see all available styles, this works for Text, Fill, Stroke and Effects.


Any Figma file with components or styles can be published as a library and can be used in different files.

You can see which libraries are linked to a file by going to Assets. If you want to link a new library you select the library icon and you can enable any library available in the list. After linking a library you can use all published components and styles from that library.


We try to include documentation for each component inside of the component library to give some more context on how it should be used and the available variants.

To view the documentation, you can select a component on screen and in the inspect panel you will see extra information about the component and/or a link to the documentation (if available). The documentation can be any URL for example to a Design System website or Storybook inventory.

If you click the icon next to the component name, you will open the source of the component. Here you can find all variants of the component and extra documentation.

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