
Specify is a Design Data Platform that allows us to synchronise design tokens from a design file to code. We previously used our internal tool, Hubble, to make design to development handoff for design systems easier.

How to setup Specify

Ask the designer(s) in your team to sync their Figma file with Specify.

Create a new repository on Specify

When creating a repository on Specify, you will first have to choose a name.

Fill the repository with design decisions (tokens)

Select the token you want to add, you have the choice to sync:

When you setup a new design token, you can choose from multiple types. Color, measurement, duration, opacity, depth, shadow, border, gradient or text style.

Some tokens have multiple setup options. Colors, opacity, shadows, gradients and text styles can be synced from your defined styles. Other tokens can be automatically detected by selecting a frame.

Here's how you setup all colors:

Every time you update you colors in Figma, it will automatically sync to Specify. You have some specific options if you don't want to update it in real time. You can set it to manual syncing or only when you published a library update. This way you don't end up with work in progress changes in your production environment.

You can also sync multiple libraries or multiple frames if you have it spread across different frames, pages or Figma files.

Syncing assets

You can also automatically sync assets (icons, illustrations, images, ...) with specify. You first have to choose if it should be a vector or bitmap format. After that you can set it up like other tokens. 1 important difference is that you have to indicate in Figma that your icon is exportable. So add export options in Figma for the format you want (svg, pdf, jpg, png) so Specify knows which format to choose.

How to use Specify

Once your tokens are set up, you can start using them in your projects. You can either connect a destination (Github only for now) or use it with the Specify API or CLI.

After setting up you repository, you can choose a destination for your tokens, you can connect an app or use it with Specify's API or CLI.

You can find more documentation on the Specify website

Specify API
Learn how to use the Specify API
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